5 Awesome 4WD Adventures to Tackle Down Under

Australians have a love affair with the great outdoors. From pristine oceans, sandy deserts to ancient rock formations, the Australian countryside is spectacular. Many Australians have travelled widely but have not seen their own country. One way to do this is by 4WD.

You will be able to make as many stops as you wish, stay overnight wherever you wish and get up and close with nature at its best. This is an adventure that can easily be undertaken by all age groups.

Corner Country, New South Wales

5 Awesome 4wd Adventures To Tackle Down Under
By: Geoffrey RhodesCC BY 2.0

Cameron Corner is where Queensland, New South Wales and South Australia meet. Look skywards and you will see shooting stars and constellations embracing the entire night sky. Follow the extraordinary Dingo Fence and call into Broken Hill. It is best to travel this 469km track from April to October.

The Birdsville Track, South Australia

5 Awesome 4wd Adventures To Tackle Down Under
By: Haydyn BromleyCC BY 2.0

This famous stock route has been traversed by thousands of cattle and thousands of 4WD vehicles. You can choose to take the inside or outside track. The inside track is the original drover’s route but is somewhat rougher and slower. Start off from Maree and travel the 655km across sand and stones from April to October. This can be hard going on tyres. Restock and quench your dusty thirst at the Mungerannie Hotel, the only place where you can get supplies along the track.

The Tip, Queensland

5 Awesome 4wd Adventures To Tackle Down Under
By Cape-york-australia (Own work) [Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
The trip to Cape York is on every Four Wheel Drivers wish list. This is an extremely rough track and can be a challenge even for the experienced driver. You can catch the cable ferry across the Jardine River. Be aware of the alcohol restrictions on Cape York and be wary when swimming as saltwater crocodiles inhabit beaches and rivers in this area.

Binns Track, Northern Territory

5 Awesome 4wd Adventures To Tackle Down Under
Image sourced from Outback Travellers Track Guide

This 2191km track will take 10-12 days to drive. Be prepared for some hard sections and make sure to stay away from here in the wet season. It is best to travel from Mt Dare on the fringe of the Simpson Desert, to Timber Creek between June and October. It also boasts the toughest 4WD track in the NT, the 17km Frew River Loop.

Gibb River Road, Western Australia

5 Awesome 4wd Adventures To Tackle Down Under
By: Jon ConnellCC BY 2.0

This is possibly one of the best 4WD tracks as it will take you deep into the Kimberley Region. This 710km track from Kununurra to Derby is best travelled from April to October. Spectacular scenery will greet you at every turn. Soaring gorges, freshwater crocs lolling in crystal clear rock pools and the exhilarating Pentecost River Crossing will make this a memorable adventure.

Four Wheel Drivers are an enthusiastic bunch of people who enjoy meeting like-minded drivers and who have a bucket list of tracks that they must navigate. These trips will make you cross paths with many interesting and genuine locals and enjoy scenery only privileged four wheel drivers will have access to.

Always make sure your vehicle is in top condition before undertaking any trip. A mechanical visit will make sure everything is order before you set off for some of the most picturesque and isolated parts of this beautiful country.

About the author

Michael Jones

Michael created and runs the Holiday Point travel brand that incorporates a network of 16 location based travel information and attraction websites around Australia, Asia, and around the world.

With 25+ years of online experience and a passion for travel, Michael not only researches and writes content for the website, he also tinkers behind the scenes with the website functionality & design.

Please reach out if you have any questions or suggestions.

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