Top 3 Tips for Travelling to Spain

Top 3 Tips For Travelling To Spain

With around 50 million visitors every year, Spain is the second most popular destination for holidays in the world and for a good reason. From the rich culture, magnificent beaches, wonderful landscape, art and many more, Spain has everything to offer a tourist.

If it is your first time you might have small problems during your holiday. This article will arm you with a few tips that will help you have a wonderful time during your holiday. If you have planned to go to Spain this summer, we can warmly recommend buying a flight with Emirates. They are one of the best companies for their quality of service.

Looking like a Tourist

Top 3 Tips For Travelling To Spain

What does someone relaxing on the beach covered in sun cream with a magazine in one hand and a cold drink in the other look like? You are right, tourist! While it is perfectly okay to enjoy looking like a tourist on the beach or by the poolside in the hotel, you might want to consider what you look like in the streets.

People know or think that tourists carry a lot of money and other valuable possessions. Like other tourist destinations, pick pocketing and other petty crimes have been on the rise in Spain.

While you don’t have to go out of your way to look like the locals, it would be wise to ensure that you don’t stand out.

Use Public Transport

Spain is good at many things but unfortunately traffic management is not one of them. At some times of the day, driving through the city can be very stressful and parking can be a bit of a headache. Directions and street signs are either unclear or non-existent and you might ruin your vacation by getting lost.

Public transport in the country is remarkable and the Spanish high speed trains are nothing short of excellent. It will be enjoyable and you can take that chance to strike conversation with some of the locals.

When travelling to mountainous areas, it is advisable to hire a car and a driver who speaks your language if possible.

Remember the Meal Times

Top 3 Tips For Travelling To Spain

Most people traveling to Spain for the first time always make the mistake of forgetting the Spanish meal times. The largest meal of the day in Spain is usually lunch after which the locals take part in siesta until 5pm. If all you want is a little food, it would be safe to mention that.

Dinner is usually served at 9pm and not 7pm like most people are used to. If you go out at 7pm you will probably find food that was left over after lunch. Take a snack to get you through until dinner is ready.

Spain is definitely a wonderful holiday destination that will give you lasting memories. Practice a few Spanish words before traveling and you will find that the locals will appreciate it.

With this travel tips in mind, you are ready for what will probably be the best vacation in your life!

About the author

Michael Jones

Michael created and runs the Holiday Point travel brand that incorporates a network of 16 location based travel information and attraction websites around Australia, Asia, and around the world.

With 25+ years of online experience and a passion for travel, Michael not only researches and writes content for the website, he also tinkers behind the scenes with the website functionality & design.

Please reach out if you have any questions or suggestions.

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