Should You Take A Holiday Without Your Partner?

Should You Take A Holiday Without Your Partner?

Have you ever thought about taking a holiday without your partner, but feel unsure how it will affect your relationship? If so, you’ve come to the right place! Travelling solo is on the rise and has many benefits. What’s more, there are great destinations for solo travel.

Consciously uncoupling – the trend of travelling without your partner

More couples are travelling without their partner. In fact a recent survey has reported that 30.8% of Australians say they have taken holidays without their partners at least once or several times. One in 10 (10.9%) say they have not but would want to go on one, while a majority of 58.3% say they have not gone on holidays without their partner. Additionally, 38% of Australians believe it is healthy to get some time apart. That’s right – travelling without your partner can make your relationship stronger!

Understandably, the idea of travelling solo can cause anxiety within a relationship. To make sure there is no misunderstandings with your partner, consider these tips:

  • Talk about your travel plans with your partner and check that the dates don’t conflict with anything important on their own calendar.
  • Tell your partner to travel solo at the same time and to make new friends so there’s no feelings of jealousy or loneliness. It’s important that you both have your own lives.
  • Have trust in each other, be considerate of one another, and support one another.
  • Let your partner know how much you love and miss them and try not to argue. You can send emails, letters, texts, and photos, make calls, or Skype regularly.
  • Keep your partner updated with your travel escapades.

The benefits of travelling alone

  • You’ll fall in love with yourself again and you can do whatever you want, whenever you want. Plus, a happy you means a happy relationship.
  • You get to meet new people, make new friends, try something new, and have your own life.
  • If you walked all the way across town to a museum that’s closed, you don’t have to worry about ruining anyone’s day. Your mistakes are your own.
  • You’ll learn to communicate more with your partner about your experiences when they aren’t with you 24/7. Good communication is essential to a healthy, long-term relationship.
  • Being apart can test your relationship. It’ll show whether you and your partner can trust each other, be loyal to one another, and stay committed to each other.
  • You’ll realise the importance of a true companionship – a relationship where there’s love and it isn’t just an affair.
  • You’ll learn how to keep your romance alive. You can stay connected with your partner by emailing, texting, sending letters or postcards, calling, or Skyping to talk about your travels and to tell your partner you love and miss them.

Destinations for solo travel

New Zealand

Should You Take A Holiday Without Your Partner?
By Jorge Royan (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
There are plenty of things to do in New Zealand. You can take a hike on the glaciers or in rainforests, test your nerves with bungee jumping, go jet boating, and visit the Southern Alps. Plus, you’ll meet some of the friendliest and most open-minded people in the world.

Costa Rica

The idea of adventure travel was born here. Costa Rica is also the happiest country in the world. You can go surfing on the Pacific coast or go whitewater rafting on the Reventazón or Pacuare rivers. If you want comfort, book a storied adventure lodge and take day trips in the cloud forest.


Should You Take A Holiday Without Your Partner?
By 663highland (663highland) [GFDL, CC-BY-SA-3.0 or CC-BY-2.5], via Wikimedia Commons
Japan is a clean and safe country, and you can find your way around easily even if you don’t know the language. Most hotels charge per person which is perfect for solo travel, the food is delicious, and the people are polite. What’s more, you can travel around the country quickly using the efficient train network; particularly the shinkansen.


Should You Take A Holiday Without Your Partner?
By Diliff (Own work) [GFDL, CC-BY-SA-3.0 or CC-BY-SA-2.5-2.0-1.0], via Wikimedia Commons
Do you want to visit a place rich in history and culture? If so, look no further than Italy. You can visit the canals in Venice, see the art treasures in Rome and Florence, and take a walk along the coast where you’ll be greeted by colourful villages. Italy is also home to some of the world’s tastiest cuisines, so don’t be afraid to indulge yourself!


Are you ready to travel solo?

Travelling without your partner can make your relationship happier, healthier, and stronger! So prepare for solo travel now.

About the author

Michael Jones

Michael created and runs the Holiday Point travel brand that incorporates a network of 16 location based travel information and attraction websites around Australia, Asia, and around the world.

With 25+ years of online experience and a passion for travel, Michael not only researches and writes content for the website, he also tinkers behind the scenes with the website functionality & design.

Please reach out if you have any questions or suggestions.

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